Like That Word Sustainable, Okay "Taxing Businesses to Create Government Job's Isn't Sustainable"
Like That Word Sustainable, Okay "Taxing Businesses to Create Government Job's Isn't Sustainable"

Like That Word Sustainable, Okay “Taxing Businesses to Create Government Job’s Isn’t Sustainable”

1 minute, 29 seconds Read

It is so utterly arrogant when a politician says they cannot cut-back government expenses because then they will have to lay-off people and if they lay off the people who work in government there will be no one with an income to buy anything so everyone else can have a job making it or doing those services. This line of reasoning just completely fries me, and it is just the sort of thing a politician or government appointed bureaucrat who has never had to make a payroll believes.

It is complete and utter nonsense to think nadra jobs that we need our government to tax us into oblivion so they can pay government salaries and pensions so that people will have the money to buy things. What happened to capitalism and free-markets, and why does the government believe it can re-arrange labor flows, and better than the free-market mechanism that has made the United States the greatest economic power-house the world over. Yes, it’s true our GDP is 3 times that of the second place nation; China, which just happens to have four times the population.

Further, and personally, I get pretty tired of folks who keep using this word “sustainable” when trying to make their points about the economy. You see; “Taxing Businesses to Create Government Job’s Isn’t Sustainable,” and really what would our Congress know about sustainable anyway, they keep spending money they don’t have and putting us on hook for paying off those debts. If anything is not sustainable, hell, it would be that don’t you think? Please consider all this.

Lance Winslow is the Founder of the Online Think Tank, a diverse group of achievers, experts, innovators, entrepreneurs, thinkers, futurists, academics, dreamers, leaders, and general all around brilliant minds. Lance Winslow hopes you’ve enjoyed today’s topic.

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